Current News and Updates

February 19, 2025

To date the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has terminated over 1500 Government contracts for convenience. What this means is that you are entitled to submit a termination claim to mitigate the damages resulting from the loss of work. A termination claim must be submitted within a reasonable period of time otherwise you will lose your right to collect. It is critical that you start your termination claim ASAP.

M3 Federal has prepared, submitted, and successfully negotiated 100s of termination claims. If you need assistance please contact Patrick Malyszek at 607-754-8100 or directly via cell phone at 607-624-9356.

February 11, 2025

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is currently performing FRAUD, WASTE, and ABUSE audits. These audits are flowing down to Prime and Subcontractors that are currently doing business in support of U.S. Federal Agencies. Stop Work Orders have been issued and contract terminations are forthcoming.

All Prime and Subcontractors need to take immediate action in order to avoid the consequences of potentially being seen as a contributor to the FRAUD,WASTE, and ABUSE. Take action NOW to prevent and/or mitigate the consequences DOGE. Here are some key questions that Prime and Subcontractors must consider.

  1. When was the last time you performed and internal audit?
  2. Are your policies and procedures accurate and complete?
  3. Has your billing been consistent with the contract terms?
  4. Does your accounting system have the ability to track all costs, labor hours to a specific contract objective?
  5. Have you flowed down all of the necessary prime contract provisions to your subcontractors?
  6. Have you charged profit that is over and above Government standards?
  7. Is your pricing Fair and Reasonable and can you justify your price?

M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC can assist with preparing your company for any type of DOGE audit or contract review. If a stop work order or termination has been issued take immediate action to assert your rights when it comes to financial survival.

If there are any questions please contact Patrick Malyszek at M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC at 607-754-8100 or via mobile phone at 607-624-9356. All calls are held in strict confidence.

June 9, 2022

Companies that want to work with the U.S. Federal Government are required to register with the System of Award Management (SAM). If you are not registered with SAM you are not eligible to win U.S. Federal contract awards.

SAM’s data management system, which is not working, adequately is failing to provide access to companies to register in a timely manner in order to bid on U.S. Federal contracts. Contracting Officers are not waiting for this problem to be resolved and are rejecting bids from qualified companies. This is a direct violation of the Competition & Contracting Act and other key regulations that provide for fair and reasonable competition.

If you have been contacting the Federal Service Desk (FSD) and not getting assistance, answers in support of your SAM registration, and missing the ability to submit your bids you may have grounds to issue a pre-award protest to protect your rights and ability to obtain new business.

For more information about your rights contact Patrick Malyszek via email at

October 11, 2021

The U.S. Government initiated contract terminations for work performed on the “Boarder Wall” during the Trump Administration. This is the Government’s attempt to negate entitlement costs of contractors that performed in accordance with contract terms. If you are not aware of how to prepare a termination proposal, capture your costs and that of your subcontractor accurately you stand the possibility of losing a substantial amount of money. The staff at M3 Federal has prepared, submitted and successfully negotiated termination claims. If you need assistance M3 Federal can guide you or prepare the entire termination proposal. For more information call Patrick Malyszek, J.D. at 607-754-8100 or send an email to

M3 Federal is as follows:
Phone: 607-754-8100

August 28, 2020
Law Enforcement Training

M3 Federal would like to introduce to all law enforcement agencies a state-of-the-art robotic  training device that allows law enforcement personnel to learn the proper use of force and how to manage the use of bodily force without the threat of injury to themselves during training or to a person that is subject to arrest.

This training robot has also been used for the purpose of training K9s and their officers. K9s can now be fully trained without the potential of injuring an officer or the K9.

The Federal Bureau of Investigate is currently using this robotic device successfully and effectively.

For more information and to watch a demo video go to:  or go to YouTube

If you have questions contact the creator of the Robo Trainer at (262) 631-0782.

M3 Federal is as follows:
Phone: 607-754-8100

June 8, 2020
GSA Pricing & Scope Disputes

The General Services Administration (GSA) offers a method of purchasing goods and services, by the Unites States Government, from private companies that have gone through the process of submitting a proposal and negotiating a fixed fee and then being awarded a GSA contract.

When selling products or services through a GSA contract private companies are required to sell their products or services at the agreed to price, without alteration.  The only means of alteration is allowed through an official modification to the GSA contract.

A Contracting Officer is not allowed to direct GSA contractors to change their price or modify a product or service unless there is a mutually signed modification.

Contractors in the past that have accepted a Contracting Officers oral statements and made changes have been terminated, debarred, and in some cases accuses and prosecuted for fraud.

If you find yourself in this type of situation contact M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC for guidance and support in order to avoid what can lead to serious consequences.

The contact information here at M3 Federal is as follows:
Phone: 607-754-8100

June 8, 2020
Fixed Price Contract Recovery (U.S. Government Contracting)

Cost recovery on a fixed price contract is not an impossibility as the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) offers non-legal remedies.

A host of contractors and subcontractors are under the impression that liability for changes to a fixed price contracts automatically fall upon contractors. This is not the case as the drafter of the specification that was used to bid a project directs liability to the drafter of the specification. In most cases the drafter is the U.S. Government or one of its agencies. If the specification fails to allow a contractor to perform as presented within their proposal the U.S. Government is liable.

Also if the U.S. Government has knowledge that a contractor is working on out of scope work and then later on accepts the work performance through acknowledge of acceptance of the contract the U.S. Government then automatically accept liability and therefore must pay the contractor for all that was delivered.

The preparation of the claim document is critical to establishing entitlement and getting paid for all that was performed.  M3 Federal can assist in the preparation, submission, and negotiation of fixed price added scope disputes. Our preparation process is directed at settlement through the terms of the contract and not litigation.

To advocate your rights and protect your financial interests please contact Patrick Malyszek.

Phone: 607-754-8100

March 18, 2020
Defense Production Act

The U.S. Government has taken a substantial step in protecting all citizens from COVID-19. The Defense Production Act authorizes the President, in this case President Trump, to require businesses to sign contracts and fulfill orders, establish new laws for the purpose of allocating materials, such as medical supplies, medical facilities, and other medically necessary equipment in order to protect civilians within the borders of the U.S. Finally this act gives Mr. Trump control over the economy so that critical supplies that are low or scarce can be moved into mass production to support critical needs. In this case medical supplies and preventing an economic collapse.

If you or your company have medical supplies, the capability to produce and manufacture medical supplies, or have concepts that will help resolve this medical crisis please contact M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC for assistance. M3 Federal will help you locate the proper federal agency and prepare a product/service offering that will be compliant with federal regulations.

The contact information here at M3 Federal is as follows:

Phone: 607-754-8100

March 9, 2020
Remote Employee Management

Due to the current state of concerns with the building threat of the coronavirus (COV-19) companies, organizations, governments, foreign governments, and states, are taking proactive steps to limit the spread of COV-19. One of the steps is to have employees work from isolated locations, such as, their home or remote office locations.

This change in work habits is placing additional stress on employees and companies in terms of how to manage corporate objectives and the work of remote employees.

Remote employees can be easily managed, without direct interaction with others, by using a software program that was developed by M3 Federal to allow for continued work performance without being physically located onsite.

This software tool, Real-Time Tracking & Management (RTC), allows for interaction, support, communication, and tracking, in REAL-TIME, of work being performed on 24/7 basis. In addition RTC functionality includes, a real-time interactive time clock for both the company and employee to see when work is being performed, instant time sheets, instant billings, instant deliverables, overtime tracking, instant messaging plus much more.

For more information go to or contact support by phone at 607-754-2228 or via email at

April 4, 2019
Other Transactions Authority

An alternative to the standard methods of federal procurement is called “Other Transactions Authority” (OTA) as prescribed in 10 U.S. Code § 2371b. This means of procurement is used for innovative research, prototypes, and production without the standard restrictions imposed on federal contracts, grants or cooperative agreements.

This non-traditional means of federal contracting reduces the amount of restrictions typically imposed by the federal regulations, such as, the FAR and DFAR. This retraction from the federal regulations allows for increased market participation but imposes upon the contractor a high level of risk when drafting a contract with the federal agency or any of the contractor’s suppliers or subcontractors.

If you plan on using an OTA you must be aware of the requirements imposed upon you as a contractor, how to draft the OTA, and mitigate the risks associated with a breach of an OTA.

For more information please contact M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC at or call 607-754-8100.

April 3, 2019

Transparency in the World of Consulting

M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC is proud to introduce Real-Time Tracking & Management (RTC), which offers for the first time, Transparency in the World of Consulting. This state of the art software program allows companies/clients full transparency into the activities of consultants, and remote employees.

RTC tracks all aspects of work performance through instant work approvals, and instant acceptance of work, while handling automatic billing and keeping historical records of work performed and accomplished.

Above all, RTC helps to manage expectations fully, in real-time and with the utmost transparency. To accomplish this, it has many invaluable features including:

  • A real time performance clock that is visible to companies and consultants when work is being performed;
  • Instant performance validation;
  • Fixed budgeting;
  • Automatic time sheets and invoicing; and
  • Secure document storage.

For more information and to sign for the software go to or call 1-607-754-2228

March 30, 2018

Prime Contractor's Abuse of Subcontractors and Suppliers

Defense News is reporting the “US Air Force aims to lower F-35 sustainment costs to that of an F-16”. If this is the case the F-35 program will be financially challenged to the extent that Lockheed and Northrup Grumman will have a very difficult time maintaining their profit margins. The ultimate impact will be felt by all suppliers and subcontractor that currently support the F-35 program and any other program within Lockheed or Northrup Grumman.

Suppliers and subcontractors need to be aware that Lockheed and/or Northrup do not have the absolute right to change your costs, accounting procedures, reduce your profit, change your manufacturing processes or utilize the Federal Acquisition Regulations or other regulations as a weapon to force you to reduce your costs. These types of unsupported actions should be dealt with promptly in order to avoid abusive tactics and protect your company.

If you would like more information or need support please contact Patrick Malyszek via email at or call me at 607-754-8100.

November 29, 2017

Border Wall Concerns and Issue (USA Today) - 'Not a serious process': Bidders question handling of border-wall project

M3 Federal is relied upon, by USA Today, in support of the concerns and problems impacting Trump’s border wall project. Contractors that have put forth bids are complaining about the lack of adequate competition and fair consideration of proposals as only major well know contractors are getting the work. The Government’s failure to follow regulatory procedural protocols could jeopardize the integrity of the federal procurement process. For more information go to the USA Today and read the article -

If you have any questions contact Patrick Malyszek via email at

November 22, 2017

Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) – Contract Award H98210-18-C-0003

With a great deal of effort and attention to detail M3 Federal has guided another client to a successful contract award. Our client Dinova will be providing management support services for the DTMO’s commercial Preferred Dining Program (PDPP) which currently manages over $1 billion annually on meal per diem. Dinova will be assisting in the management of the PDPP and will apply their extensive proprietary knowledge to produce major savings for the Department of Defense and its military and civilian personnel.

To see the services offered by M3 Federal visit our website at

September 15, 2017

Performance and Payment Bonds

It’s not uncommon for the Government to invoke a Contractor’s performance or payment bond for Government caused defects related to Government supplied defective specifications, ambiguous specifications, oral change orders, unilateral modifications, forced delays, stop work orders, failure to respond to requests for information, plus a host of other contract problems caused by the actions of the Government.

When these or other issues arise, Contractors and bonding company must be aware of the rights and obligations of the Government, Contractors, and bonding companies. In most cases the Government’s actions against the Contractor and bonding companies is unjustified and steps can be taken to reverse these deleterious actions.

So Contractors and bonding companies, such as, Chubb, U.S. Specialty Insurance Co., Colonial, Trust Brunswick, Great American, Travelers, and others have a reliable resource to protect against improper bond invocation. M3 Federal can provide you a full defense to protect the bond and your reputation.

For more information contact M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC at 607-754-8100.

September 7, 2017

Ammunition Containers – M592

The Department of State has determined through the submission of a Commodity Jurisdiction that M592 ammunition containers have been classified as EAR99. For further information contact

May 19, 2017

Border Wall Construction – Update (Arizona Republic News Report)

The scope of the Border Wall project, which will cost tax payers over $21 billion dollars, is starting to show signs of the inherent risks associated with a project of this size and the speed of which it is currently moving. As of the date of this article there has been 7 solicitation amends, contractors have expressed concern over the procurement process, there is the potential of pre-award and post award bid protests, along with the potential of claims and disputes. You can find more information by going to the article published by the Arizona Republic.

If you would like to speak with someone at M3 Federal about the border wall solicitations please call 607-754-8100 or visit

May 16, 2017

Ammunition Can – Commodity Jurisdictions

M3 Federal has been successful removing the M19A1 and the M2A1 off the USML list. The current effort at M3 Federal is to remove the remaining ammunition cans off the USML. This is an extensive effort and therefore M3 Federal is looking for participation from ammunition can manufactures or companies that use ammunition cans during the normal course of business. M3 Federal would like to get industry participation in order to reduce some of the overall administrative burden associated with obtaining an ITAR license. If you would like to participate in this critical effort contact Patrick Malyszek, J.D. at 607-754-8100. For more information go to

If you have other than ammunition cans that you like removed from USML you may contact me at the above phone number.

April 1, 2017

Border Wall Construction

President Trump’s border wall is a massive project that will involve a major design and installation effort. The speed at which this process is moving will lead to undefinitized specifications, defective performance expectations, and claims/disputes that will plague this contract action for an extended period of time. You can find more information by going to the article published by the Arizona Republic at

For more information contact M3 Federal at

March 28, 2017

Department of State Repeals Ammunition Can (Ammo Can) Determination

The Department of State, on September 12, 2016, made a determination that all ammunition storage containers (ammo cans) were subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) per USML Category III(d)(3) and that a Department of State ITAR license was required. This determination had the potential of impacting all suppliers and manufacturers of ammo can in that millions of ammo can have been sold over the years and millions more were being produced and shipped all around the world without a proper ITAR license. To ship ITAR controlled items without the proper license would subject suppliers and manufactures to major fines, potential criminal prosecution, and required the development of internal import/export compliance programs. This is no longer the case.

To mitigate the millions of dollars of damage this would have upon the ammo can industry M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC ( challenged the determination and filed an appeal with the Department of State. After months of hard work it has been determined, as of March 28, 2017, that ammo cans do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Department of State per USML Category III(d)(3). Ammo cans fall within the jurisdiction of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and controlled by EAR 99. What this means is that a ITAR license is not required and ammo cans can be sold throughout the world as they have been for years.

If you have been damaged in anyway as the result of this improper determination by the Department of State or you would like more information on this issue contact Patrick Malyszek, J.D. at 607-754-8100 or visit

March 9, 2017

Defense Spending Substantially Increased

The House has approved a $578 billion spending bill which provides the U.S Armed Forces operating capital for the next seven (7) months. This spending bill established the path forward to substantially increase the Pentagon’s budget. The Senate is now preparing and initial $30 billion supplement, which will be one of many supplements. Military spending will continue to increase and it will be critical to get your company prepared to capture the additional procurements that will be released by U.S. Government.

March 7, 2017

SAM.Gov Registration

The U.S. Government is in the process of increasing defense spending by nearly $100 billion dollars. In order to bid on and be awarded these contracts, as a prime or subcontractor, it is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations subpart 4.11 that you are registered with the U.S. Government. In order to be registered you must go to This registration process contains a massive amount of regulations.

M3 Federal has been working with for nearly 40 years. Our subject matter experts can get you registered and fully compliant with all the regulations. The cost to get you registered in only a couple of days is $399.00.

If you would like M3 Federal to get you registered in contract Patrick Malyszek by phone at 607-754-8100 or via email at

March 1, 2017

President Trump’s Border Protection (The Great Wall)

The Dept. of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued pre-solicitation notice 2017-JC-RT-0001 for the design and build of several prototype wall structures in the vicinity of the United States border with Mexico.

This pre-solicitation notice along with the soon to be posted Request for Proposals (RFP) will be a very complex multibillion dollar project that will be fraught with minor and major issues. These issues will involve bid protests, subcontract problems, performance issues, performance disputes, contract disputes, contract claims, default terminations, bond issues plus a host of other problems that will leave some contractors bankrupt and others locked in litigation for years.

It is critical that every prime and subcontractor takes steps now to protect their financial interests as a project that moves this fast will not be definitized to point that a fixed priced can be reliant enough to protect contractor’s performance and financial expectations.

After 40 years in the federal procurement industry the lack of definitization means the CBP (Government) will push a substantial amount of the known and unknown costs on to contractors. This is accomplished through unilateral changes to the contract, added scope work, change in inspection standards, refusal to pay for accepted work, delaying acceptance, and threatening termination to name just a few of the tactics implored by the Government. We know all of the substandard tactics used by the Government and we can protect you.

Contractors both large and small need protection from these types of unwarranted Government actions. In order to obtain this protection the personnel at M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC (M3 Federal) ( will work directly with your company to ensure that you are protected and successful.

When M3 Federal is hired, as your consultant, and assists with the development of the proposal and project/contract management we will take all of the necessary steps to defend or submit a bid protest, be compliant with all federal regulations, manage subcontracts, resolve project disputes, resolve project claims/REAs, and bond issues. All of this work is performed at a pre-established fixed fee budget, which allows contractors/clients to minimize their risks and focus upon successful project completion.

To speak with the author of this article contact Patrick Malyszek, J.D. at 607-754-8100 or send an email to

February 9, 2017

Healthcare News
The healthcare environment is in the process of changing. The forthcoming changes will mandate a move away from the monopolistic characteristics of the current healthcare providers. It is these providers that have plagued the healthcare industry for decades. The newly proposed healthcare regulations will reduce healthcare costs through the utilization of open market strategies requiring full and open competition.

The competition based healthcare system will be regulated and controlled allowing for vetting of healthcare providers along with having a competitive standard of which all must abide. This competitive system will reduce healthcare costs that will be passed through to the American people.

To be competitive within the new healthcare system your company will have to be compliant with all relevant federal regulations and new standards. If you are not compliant prior to the issuance of the new competitive standards there is a substantial chance that you’re bidding efforts will not produce contract awards or that you will be penalized for not meeting the regulatory standards.

M3 Federal has the knowledge to ensure you will be compliant with the current and newly published standards when submitting proposals or managing your healthcare program. The time to act is now!

For more information you may contact Patrick Malyszek, J.D. via

Dec 21, 2016
Boeing, Lockheed CEOs Meet with Trump Over F-35, Air Force One
(Defense News) The CEOs for Lockheed Marin and Boeing met Wednesday with president-elect Donald Trump, with Boeing head Dennis Muilenburg offering Trump his personal promise that the Air Force One replacement program will not exceed $4 billion.

The meeting held between president-elect Donald Trump signals that all subcontractors supporting the Air Force One and F-35 programs will be subject to assertions and unreasonable practices by Lockheed and Boeing to force cost reductions. These cost reductions will impact the subcontractors and not Lockheed or Boeing.  For example on the F-35 program Lockheed has set up intermediary buying organization/companies that sells directly to Lockheed. These intermediary companies are selling F-35 products, produced by F-35 subcontractors, back to Lockheed with a 56% profit margin.  These type of practices are increasing the cost of the F-35 program.

The bottom line is that you must be aware of these tactics and understand how to stop these unreasonable practices before they impact your financial viability. For assistance contact M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC at 607-754-8100.

Nov 10, 2016
WASHINGTON – The election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States should give a boost to the defense industry, although there may be new challenges that arise in the domestic and international markets.  M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC ( will be helping with these domestic and international challenges by working directly with prime and subcontractors ensuring full regulatory compliance, eliminating risks, allowing for the acquisition of new business both domestically and internationally, and resolving pending or current contract disputes.

Oct 3, 2016
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Trade Controls has recently made a decision pursuant to ITAR 22 CFR 120-130, Category III(d)(3) the Department of State has jurisdiction over  ammunition storage containers and therefore requires an ITAR license prior to any export.  This new determination changes, in part, a long standing determination of over 50 years that ammunition containers were not controlled under ITAR. This change will have a major impact and potentially result in major fines for companies providing these items to companies and personnel throughout the world.  If you are a manufacturer of these items please call M3 Federal’s Patrick Malyszek, J.D. at 607-754-8100 in order to fight this determination and get it reversed.

Sept 29, 2016
M3 Federal wins a client a $75,000,000.00 international logistics contract.

Sept 01, 2016
Lockheed Martin commits to reducing the F-35 program costs 20% by converting commercial items (FAR 2.101) to non-commercial items in order conduct audits of subcontractors, reduce subcontractor profits, and restructure overhead and G&A rates.

August 28, 2016
Department of State Awards armored vehicle to M3 Federal’s client.

August 13, 2016
M3 Federal launches the Procurement Resource Group offering the DoD a better and cheaper way to purchase goods and services.  This new purchasing systems will help companies like Raytheon, L-3 Communications, Lockheed, Sikorsky, Cessna and other contractor to purchase items at a substantially less cost. If you are interested in becoming part of the Procurement Resource Group call 607-754-8100. For more information and a full copy of this article send a request to