Reduce and/or Eliminate Legal Fees – Disputes and Claim Preparation

lfReduce and/or Eliminate Legal Fees Disputes and Claim Preparation

A company involved in the federal or commercial procurement fields will, at some point in time, have to prepare a claim or respond to a claim in defense of their actions.  In either case, critical business decisions must be made, such as retaining legal counsel, or relying on Subject Matter Experts to prepare and negotiate a settlement.  Whatever decision is made, the core objective is to preserve the financial and market integrity of your company by taking the least abrasive measures.

If the inclination is to enter the legal arena, by obligation, or voluntarily, it is generally known that the legal community will charge the same hourly rate to perform both legal and non-legal services. In addition the legal industry generally charges this same hourly rate for time spent making copies, reviewing documents, making phone calls, organizing information, developing pre-claim documentation, negotiating strategies, arbitrating and mediating issues, plus other tasks that can be performed by you or a Subject Matter Expert.

The failure to distinguish legal fees from non legal fees, drives up the costs of litigation proceedings and in a large number of cases, prevents an economical resolution to the case. The segregation of this work and these non legal costs is critical in order to make the legal process affordable, and beneficial to your company, from a business perspective.

Legal proceedings are focused on the “cause of action” only, and how to win the case by the law firm, at any cost to benefit their win-loss record. This practice is not conducive, nor does it take into consideration the broad spectrum of your business practices that must be considered, when dealing within a competitive market environment. This is why the legal community needs to rely on Subject Matter Experts, or your company, to understand the full business spectrum of the actions being taken, the potential impact, and the public dissemination of internal confidential information by the filing of a law suit.

M3 Federal Contract Practice Group, LLC’s (hereinafter “M3”) has a proven business approach using Subject Matter Experts with express business knowledge encompassing the complex multidisciplinary business environment. This allows for dispute resolution that is economical, private and cost conscious for your company. No longer will your company be thrown into the legal abyss without having control over the litigation process and the associated costs.

M3’s approach to resolving business disputes is based, in part, on the fact that over 90% of all legal actions are settled in accordance with the terms and conditions contained within the business and contract documents. With this being the case, M3 relies upon these documents and develops strategies based upon the terms contained therein, along with 40 years of extensive experience to developing a winning dispute and clains strategies without reputation degradation.

This winning strategy takes into consideration all non-legal activities employed by law firms throughout the country. Therefore in the event that M3’s dispute resolution success rate of 92% yields to litigation, the law firm, working in conjunction with M3, will not charge for non-legal services as M3’s pre-dispute resolution efforts will be inconformity with industry dispute resolution standards that can be used in support of the litigation.

No longer will your company be charged the high legal hourly rates for non-legal services as M3 will have prepared and put all the necessary documents in the appropriate format, at less than half the cost of what is paid to law firms throughout the country.

Some of the legal support services preformed by M3 include but are not limited to:

  • Claim Evaluation
  • Document Review
  • Claim Basis
  • Claim Research
  • Claim Preparation
  • Negotiation Strategies
  • Business Concerns Application
  • Marketing Impact
  • Arbitration/Mediation
  • Insurance Claim
  • Bond Issues
  • Evidence Gathering
  • Damage Calculations
  • Costing Analysis
  • Expert Witness
  • DoD Contracts
  • Subcontractor
  • Prime

M3 shall work with your company exclusively, or partner with your law firm to provide unified business strategies to resolve disputes on a non legal basis or get involved with a law firm to  reduce legal fees.

Please call for more information at 607-754-8100.